
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

This one goes to my family. Specifically my brother are sisters. We recently had a little family photo session and this is one of the finished products... these are my siblings there cute aren't they? :) I leave in 10 days for college and the hardest part about leaving is going to be leaving my three bestest friends behind. I can't even image what my little muscle man brother will look like when I see him next. How much smarter my hilarious and gorgeous sister siera will be and how grown up my stunning and opinionated sister kristen will be. I want them to know I love them soo much.

lalalalove you

Here are some more pictures...

count down begins.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Yesterday was the one month mark until I leave on my adventure of BYU Hawaii. I had mixed emotions but I am so excited to learn how to be on my own, and basically start from scratch. All are welcome to come visit me out there and we will squish you in my closet size dorm room. Wish me luck...