Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Try to learn to breathe
deeply, really to taste food
when you eat, and when you
sleep, really to sleep. Try as
much as possible to be wholly
alive with all your might, and 
when you laugh, laugh like
hell. And when you get angry,
get good and angry. Try to be 
alive. You will be dead soon 

-ernest hemingway

Thursday, June 13, 2013

last thursday i was driving home from yoga 
and realized i was smiling for no reason at all. 
a grin from ear to ear. 
I was alone and had no idea why i was smiling. 
then i realized i was happy,
happier than i had been in a long time. 
clearly time heals all wounds. 
and i think my future is looking pretty bright.



my family is amazing and yesterday was perfect.
i love you guys.
