When Jan. 2011 rolled around for me i set some goals for the year. They were the typical read my scripture, say my prayers, get in better shape, you know those fun things. I figured as time went on i would figure out my goals for the year and i finally did!
1. Charity- I am going to souly base my life on this for 2011. This past summer as i was in the sacred grove I was reading the first vision in JSH then as i prayed for more guidance about what i needed to know- the first thing that came to my mind was Moroni 7. If you are familiar with this chapter you know it is all about charity! I think the Lord was definately teaching me something so here i go putting it to test!
2. Save for study abroad or humanitarian work in africa (ideally both) Seriously how amazing do both of these sound? I have dreamed of going to africa since i came out of the womb so hopefully 2011 can help that come true!
3. Become a true missionary- everyday in my personal prayers i pray to be an instrument in the lords hand. This week my prayers were answered! Mckenzie, Lauren, and I had an amazing missionary experience and I want to be able to have many more experiences like this in 2011. Love you girls :)
4. Humility- Being in hawaii has taught me how blessed of a life i have lived! So.. I want to try to vere as far from worldliness in 2011 as i can. Limit my time i spend using technology and try not to focus on the little things that really don't matter!
5. Great Physical Shape- I know the typical new years resolution... But i definately need to eat healthier! So practical goal for now is run a 10k!
6. Refrain from Gossip- So unecessary! So I am just going to try and only speak well of others. Because my momma always said if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all!
7. Prepare myself to be a loving mother and wife- Now marriage is wayyyy down the road in my book! But i need to start working now on my patients, subborness, and just other little things like that cause they definately need some work.
8. Don't let little things bug me- I let the littlest things eat away at me serious i have so many little things that bug me.. pretty sure i am slightly OCD so i am gonna just focus on whats important and try to put all else aside.
9. Be an example- simple but i feel like this is the biggest influence that you can have on people. I just want to do my best-- my very best!
10. Gratitude- I want to be grateful! More thankful than any other time in my life- for everything I have been blessed with.
I am a couple months late on the goal setting but better late than never right? Wish me luck as i work towards these goals.
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