Sunday, January 1, 2012

This ones for..
People to thank 2011 for:
Thank you for Siera and her endless talks and laughs
Thank you for Kristen and her inspiring words and fashion
Thank you for Dane and his kick a attitude through everything he's been through
Thank you for Shell Bell and how she never fails to make me feel special
Thank you for Dad and the million phone calls I had with him
Thank you for Stacie Farr and the many times I almost died with her
Thank you for McKenzie Carlson and many dreams we share
Thank you for Kylie Racker and the motivation she gives me
Thank you for McCall Modersitzki and the laughter she brings
Thank you for McKenzie King and the things she taught me
Thank you for Allison Smilanich and the perspective she has
Thank you for Lauren Bergaust and her passion for life
Thank you for Craig Muirhead and the friendship I have with him
Thank you for Chase Beal, his jeans, and his cooking
Thank you for Sean Innes and the service he has provided for this country
Thank you for Blake Modersitzki pacing me for 13.1 miles
Thank you for Trudy and her life changing yoga classes
Thank you for Conner Parks and the passion he has for the gospel
Thank you for Christian Carlson and the shakas he throws
Thank you for Ryan Weed and his dirty jokes when they are most needed
Thank you for Skee and the surfing trips to castles and queens
Thank you for Gid and the self defense lessons and the coconut syrup
Thank you for Ted and the flour spread all over my room
Thank you for the Canal house girls-- Coral, Tay, Mckae, Paris, and Giselle

2011 Thank you for the memories you hold:
Thank you making me 19
Thank you for the adventures you brought
Thank you for Hawaii and the change it brought
Thank you for the two wonderful school year it has embraced
Thank you for the summer and the family time it included
Thank you for the red house, the tower and the 'pellow game'
Thank you for the Ocean and the waves it brings
Thank you for Kaena Point and the mud fight i will never forget
Thank you for Ko'olina and the wild dolphins I swam with there
Thank you for Waimea cause the sand fights and shore break
Thank you for Spring Term being the best six weeks of my life
Thank you for running giving me my highest high
Thank you for Tuacahn for the two best plays ever
Thank you for the Sun for never failing to shine
Thank you for Coco Cove and the love it brings
Thank you for partner Yoga and the indescribable pictures it provides
Thank you for Waikiki and the Human Hamster Balls it contains
Thank you for laughter and how it made my face sore
Thank you for Lani Kai and Moks for the best super Saturdays
Thank you for the Tid Pools and China Walls jumps
Thank you for Uncle Bobos your acai bowls truely are the best
Thank you for Kahuku farms for the smoothies and view
Thank you for Kahuku for the Lilikoi and off roading
Thank you for Halloween and the risky business and hippie time
Thank you for Keikis for being my own Hawaiian Disneyland
Thank you for Sacred Falls for the five times I've climbed it
Thank you for The lovely time spend with si and my family on there visits
Thank you for the biggest slip n' slide in the world
Thank you for the Ko'olina Marina and the opportunity to sneak onto the black pearl
Thank you for Castles and the double rainbow pouring rain and best day ever
Thank you for Pupukea giving me my first North Shore surf experience
Thank you Utah for the best three weeks with my family over Christmas
Thank you for the best new years I've had in years with my family
Thank you World for another year to come.
and last but not least
Thank you for giving me the best year yet.


Unknown said...

i like this a little too much.

you are so great. I LOVE YOU!!

T.RIPPY said...

Can we hang out more, all of us? Also, you’re such a talented writer.