Sunday, April 1, 2012

And then God created perfection
Meet March
it was quite the month.
(excuse the poor quality of a few photos..
 blowing up iphones photos is somewhat less than ideal).


It rained droplets and sunshine
we jumped and we floated
laughed and smiled
the leprechauns came and the Irish were lucky
fiesta time and Dorito tacos
locks of love, hunger banquet, and invisible children
sushi time and chocolate waffles
brown hair and sun burnt skin
slip n' slides ... double or nothin'
late night SRD sessions
hot tubs and mopeds
disney resorts that are straight heaven sent
farmers markets and mango trees
big bird and the crew back together
and wayy to much ice cream and mochi
may the odds be ever in your favor.



Anonymous said...

loving all these photos!!

Unknown said...

i love love love these pictures. you are so beautiful.