Sunday, April 13, 2014

a star is held together by the struggle of two forces;
gravity pulls everything towards the center while heat pushes the opposite direction

when this balance it thrown off the star produces helium to try to calm the nuclear reaction
from here, it explodes, or becomes a supernova.

right now I feel like a star experiencing a foreign chemical imbalance
my heart is bursting into a million little pieces
the way you would imagine a star to explode into space

i am learning that there is a time where you have to move on
you have to spread yourself into a million little pieces

these pieces become memories 
and those memories are what will change you forever

these memories, experiences, and knowledge have to be spread 
they have to be spread to grow.

I know that I am going to keep learning & i am going to have more experiences
 and memories that will last me a lifetime
because nothing lights up the cosmos like a supernova.


Unknown said...

“Let the waves of the universe rise and fall as they will. You have nothing to gain or lose. You are the ocean.” ~Ashtavakra Gita

Neesh said...

I pretty much worship you ms. king.