Our stonehenge experience was so special I wouldn't give it up for anything. I planned an extremely overzealous itinerary for the day. Between Canterbury, White Cliffs, and Stonehenge it meant we would be driving for almost 9 hours in that one day. The sun was setting at 3:00 PM when we were loosing hope of seeing Stonehenge. We were twenty minutes out and with much disappointment I had accepted the fact that we weren't gonna make it during our trip. We decided to keep driving since we had come this far. Then a miracle happened right then we drove over a hill a there it was STONEHENGE! In all its glory in the dusk lighting! We drove down a dirt road, sprinted to the sweetest old man security guard, we told him we came from Utah to see it but it was already closed. He say run through that field of sheep! It will get you really close and you will be able to see it before dark! Tat and I yelled at the boys "Get out of the car... RUN!" We ran through that muddy field of sheep like our lives depended on in and we felt so alive. We almost slipper so many times we were expecting to come out of that field with muddy faces. We made it and it was quite and still. The peace that I felt in the field was a peace straight from heaven. We all had a moment of silence and we look in awe. I don't know how it got there, or who made it but I am so grateful they did. I am pretty certain I felt the earth stop beneath my feet as chase and tat chased sheep and my husband starred at the structure the most perfect moment. God is good.
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