Easter is not only a perfect spring holiday.. its the greatest holiday of the whole year in my personal opinion. This year was my first easter with out my crazy family.. I definately missed our extremely competetive easter egg hunt, taking hours to find our baskets, and of course the traditional bubble wands and sidewalk chalk.
We definately celebrated easter over here in hawaii three thousand miles away though. I kinda made it a week celebration starting with a fun easter egg dying sesh.
I made an egg that was barneys grand adventure gone awesome I was proud of it.
Then we followed up later the week with many bubble blowing sessions and of course an easter egg hunt! Although i was the one who filled the eggs this year the hunt was a success if I may say so myself! We had a lovely easter dinner at the one love table and followed up the evening with bubbles dancing and of course mamma warwicks amazing oreo dessert.
Hoppy Easter.
Now for the real purpose. I remember as a child learning something very crucial about easter.. I was in achivement days with Sister walker. It was around this amazing time of year a week or so before Easter. She had a lesson planned with a egg carton full of plastic eggs. All of the girls went around in a circle getting candy and various trinkets from inside the eggs. When it came my turn I picked an egg, opened it up ready for a peep, or snickers bar, when out came a sacrament cup.. From that point on I learned about the importance of Easter and how it is about the atonement and our Savior being resurrected. I am so grateful to my father in heaven for giving his son to us like that. Easter truly is the greatest holiday.
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