Dad taught me that life isn't fair and that through it all we just need to keep on pressing through.
Mom taught me that i need to get as much education as i possibly can and to always smile no matter what the situation is.
Kris taught me that you need to be passionate about what you do and fully unconditionally throw yourself into what you do.
Si taught me that having fun is ok and sometimes it doesn't matter if you take life serious because alot of time life doesn't take you serious.
Dane taught me some killer fight moves like the eff you.
McCall taught me that we all are stubborn in our own ways and sometimes we just need to suck up our pride admit our faults or fight for what we want.
Gordon B. Hinkley Taught me that i always need to stand on higher ground where ever i am or will go.
Sean Innes taught me that i always need to be humble remember the lord comes first.
Chase Charlston taught me that we are judge upon what we do when others aren't looking.
Hawaii taught me that you learn from every little thing around you so be careful what you surround yourself with.
Death taught me that loosing is hard but waiting is greater.
Life taught me to embrace every single-tiny-inch of whatever comes your way.
thats all.
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