a million dreams came true...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

They always say third times a charm... cause I have attempted this blog post twice before and it has deleted it both time.. lets hope it works this time. So Saturday was thee best day ever. You see when i was a kid all i wanted and all i dreamed of was to become a dolphin trainer in san diego at sea world and in my spare time so swim with shamu. This dream came true for nichel... It all started at 4:30 in the morning when we started the grand adventure! Long story short... we found what we came for and that was the dolphins! Take a look at us in the hawaiian ocean and these amazing wild dolphins.

Me and the dolphins!
the dolphins surfacing to do a trick!
me and the dolphins again
me and allison :)
LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL and so is the WORLD :)

Another check to the bucket list.