Sunday, April 19, 2015

 April 9th, 2015
Part II
Chiang Mai

This day was really special for me. I have dreamed of riding an elephant for as long as I can remember. We had our flights booked to Thailand when I started doing a lot of research to plan our itinerary. As I started research elephant trekking and petting tigers I got so discouraged because I learned that a lot of the elephants are abused and they sedate the tigers so you can be in cages with them. I started to research rehabilitation camps for elephants that have been abused because I could not bare the thought of supporting a business that abuses such amazing animals. I never found a place we could play with tigers that I felt morally ok going to. (Probably sounds so lame but I love animals, always have) and even though it was a once in a lifetime opportunity I knew I would leave feeling horrible. This is when I discovered Toto's. Toto is a man from the Myanmar border that now lives in Thailand and he has five elephants he does bareback trekking on elephants and his elephants are treated extremely well and left to roam in the wild. We were picked up at our hotel after we explored temples in the morning and we drove an hour to the camp. We drove on a dirt road through the jungle and passed so many elephants just roaming around or bathing in the river! It was so crazy! They are so big it's crazy to see them right next to you are you drive. We drove over a river on bamboo not a bridge, it was literally two strips of three bamboo poles that we drove over and it was so sketchy! Then were were in a tiny village with elephant roaming in the fields! Toto gave us our uniforms and we went and changed in one of the homes. We then did training where Toto taught us what to do and what commands to say. During this training he told us that the elephants can run up to 45mph and that they could kill us, so naturally it was really comforting. We then got on the elephants I had Miguel and Scott had Maxie. It was a really special day because it was only Scott and I at the camp, typically there are ten people. We talked our elephant trek and riding elephant is unlike anything I have ever done before. It's really special and you create a bond with the people. During out trek Scott had an off roading experience through the jungle it was hilarious and Miguel decided to start a mud fight with me.. he won. After this we washed up at lunch, pad thai and fruit again. Then we got in the river and bathed and swam with the elephants it was so much fun. It was a really special day. After we finished this Toto and Ya took us to the most beautiful waterfall. Besides the day we got married this is one of the best.


You say "bon bon" and they know that means you will feed them.  

Maxie always going up the mountain haha 

 The mud fight begins
 He won.

This is a baby elephant that is five years old, also elephants are pregnant for two whole years! 

 Toto and Ya 
At night we walked around the street markets, I got a pedicure, we bought souvenirs, and ate dinner at Tee's she makes the most amazing food. We didn't get a picture with her and we are so sad about it!

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