Tupiza Bolivia

Thursday, June 29, 2017

We took a sleeper train from Uyuni to Tupiza. I use the term sleeper train very loosely because you best believe I didn't sleep one minute on that incredibly slow and rickety steam train. Honestly I felt like I was in the Wild West. I actually think I could have ran to Tupiza faster than the train got us there :) Once we arrived at 3:45 in the morning we got into our hotel and slept. Tupiza ended up being my favorite city we visited in Bolivia, ironically, it was also the hardest place to get to in Bolivia. Well worth it and the most humbling experience of my life. We ate sopapillas with this sweet family we walked the streets that Scotty once walked and I saw poverty first hand like I never have before. I have seen people live in dirt shacks with no running water and no food but I have never been with the people inside those homes growing close to them. Marcelinos family was the most amazing family I've ever met. I played with Milady and Lyssie on the dirt floors of their home with their old dolls. We used styrofoam as there beds. It was the most humbling day of my life. Even though we had a language barrier I have never felt such an immense love. You could feel how much love the Lord has for this sweet family. We ran and ran all night long around the church building as the little girls yelled "Corre corre corre"! These little girls changed my life!

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